Ridgway Middle School

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All students should have the following:

  • Pencils
  • Erasers
  • Crayons
  • Ruler
  • Markers
  • Headphones
  • Highlighter

Physical Education:

A change of clothes- active wear you are able to move in that follows the dress code in the student handbook. (Appropriate length shorts, sweatpants, shirt, athletic shoes).

6th Grade:

Mr. Martino: 2 pocket folder and notebook

Mrs. Gaudino: one 2-pocket folder, & 1- 5 subject notebook. TI-30X IIS calculator recommended but not required.

Mrs. Martino: 1 notebook & 1 folder

Miss Spangler: 1 folder (choir only)

Mrs. Gerber: 1 folder

Mrs. Stitt: 1-2 pocket folder

7th & 8th Grade:

Health Class: 1 notebook & 1 folder

Mr. Heindl: 1 notebook & 1 folder

Miss Thorwart: composition books, pocket folders, subject notebooks, any size index cards, tissues

Mrs. LaBenne: 3-ring binder, folder, notebook & Index Cards

Mrs. Marche: 1 folder & 1 notebook

Ms. Olay: 1 binder, notebook paper, folders

Miss Spangler: 1 folder for Choir, 1 folder for Music

Mrs. Gerber: 1 folder

Mr. Smith: 1 notebook & 1 folder

Mrs. Stitt: a 2-pocket folder & 1 subject notebook

Mrs. Wolfganger: 1 notebook. TI-30X IIS calculator recommended but not required.

Mrs. Mathis: composition books, pocket folders, notebooks, loose leaf paper, any size index cards, tissues